Gluten-free Granola Bars with Butterfly Pea White Chocolate Bark

Prep Time: 
35 Minutes
Cook Time:
2 Hours
Total Time: 
2 Hours & 35 Minutes

Granola Bar Ingredients:

  • 1 cup pitted dates
  • 6 tbsp hot water (+ more for soaking the dates)
  • 1 cup + 2 tbsp Bob’s Red MillGluten-free Protein Oats*
  • ¾ cup pumpkin seeds
  • ¾ cup sunflower seeds
  • ¾ cup peanut butter
  • ¼ cup maple syrup
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • ½ tsp Rose Salt

White Chocolate bark Topping Ingredients: Optional, if you don't want the added sweetness!

  • 2 cups white chocolate
  • Optional for adding color: ¼ tsp butterfly pea powder + a pinch of aqua spirulina powder
  • Toppings of choice, used here a handful of pumpkin seeds, cacao nibs and goji berries

*This post is brought to you by Bob's Red Mill.

  1. Date paste: Soak dates in hot water for 15 minutes. Drain the water and transfer dates to a blender along with 6 tbsp of hot water. Blend until smooth and paste-like. Don’t remove the date paste from the blender.
  2. To the same blender, add oats, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, peanut butter, maple syrup, vanilla extract and salt. Blend until sticky and coarsely ground. You may need to pause blending and scrape down the side of the blender a few times. 
  3. Test the mixture by pressing it between your fingers: It should come together and not stick to your fingers. If the mixture is too sticky, add some more oats and blend again. If the mixture is too dry, add some water 1 tbsp at a time.
  4. Line a dish with wax paper. Firmly and evenly press down the mixture into the dish.
  5. If you choose not to add the white chocolate bark, skip step 6. and continue with step 7. Again, if you choose not to add white chocolate, you can also shape the granola bars into bite-size granola balls.
  6. Temper white chocolate, mix in color powders if using, and pour over date mixture. Sprinkle toppings over white chocolate before the chocolate solidifies.
  7. Refrigerate for minimum 2 hours up to overnight or until the base is firmly set. When ready, cut into bars or squares. Keep refrigerated.
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